Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Basics on Christian Logo Designs

Christian logos are not meant to be attractive but should be sober and spiritual, representing the core message of the church well. Churches do not create logos to get the attention of the general public towards them but the only motive they have behind a logo design is to promote ever loving Christian faith and to bring people more towards religion for spiritual peace and contentment. 

Christian logos use formal fonts instead of fancy, artistic fonts. Because white is the color the represents purity and grace it is often used for designing Christian logos. Shades of red, yellow and blue are also used in contrast with white for various religious purposes. 
Almost every CLD is based on a picture, insignia or religious symbol related to the religion of Christianity. For instance, a Cross, dove or a picture of Christ are quite common. These symbols and images highlight the feeling of spirituality and convey many messages of the Christian faith.

Monday, 21 November 2011

5 Inspirational Religious Logo Designs

Five unique and inspirational religious logo designs.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Simplicity and Soberness in Spiritual Logos

Designing a spiritual logos require a deep understanding of colors and shades. You have to know what colors would be suitable with the logo and how you should represent a spiritual logo, keeping its "spirituality" factor intact. Apart from that, you also have to understand that it is important for a spiritual logo to represent the respective religion through colors and typographic fonts. If a spiritual logo revolving around Christianity is to be designed, then the designer has to know important color elements of Christianity; which would be white or halo yellow.

A spiritual logo should have proper spiritual attributes that contributes to the mental peace of the person who will be looking at it. The logo should have relaxation, holiness and a light ambiance around it. Designing a spiritual logo devoid of essential understanding of colors would result in a failure.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

The Need For Spiritual Logos

Any spiritual institute needs to have a distinctive spiritual logo that creates an impact on the person's well being.

Spirituality invokes the human spirit. Organizations and centers that focus on spirituality try to invoke spiritual feelings as well as giving the person’s inner being a sense of peace and revival. As such any spiritual organization that wants to be successful in its endeavors must start off by connecting with the person aesthetically as it is often said that the, “eyes are windows to the soul”. 

Therefore a spiritual institute should consider having spiritual logo designs that could fulfill the purpose of connecting with the human mind and spirit. While designing spiritual logos there are three essential elements that need to be kept in mind; image, text and color.

Friday, 5 August 2011

Power of Spiritual Logos and Symbolism

There are many companies that use occult and spiritual symbols in their logos, consciously or unconsciously. Many great examples can be found of these in our corporate culture. It leads me to think what is the point of including an occult symbols in a corporate and business logo designs? What does it achieve? Is it for the display of arrogant power of the elite? Is it for celebrating some mysterious corporate culture?

Unconsciously many designers tend to include these symbols in logos and this is very interesting. Many examples can be found on the web for these, be it personal or collective works. Some use pictures or images. These symbols speak to the subconscious mind of humans. They have archaic images of its symbols and some rituals and help produce subconscious changes which we don't even realize are happening. Some logos are even suspected to purposeful and conscious symbols that have been added by the designers or some companies demand for it. They said words are powerful, but images are more so, don't you think?